1. Title: Druuna (Drune) - 8 episodes + 3 Collector Art
Author: Paolo E. Serpieri (Paolo E. Serpieri)
2. Cover:
3. Language: Russian
4. Format: JPEG
5. The subject of the magazine (genre): Graphic Roman, Comic, Erotic, Fantasy.
6. Number of pages: 11 numbers 56-65 drawings in each.
7. Summary: A strange epidemic begins on the spacecraft, which turns people in monstrous monsters. With the emergence of the epidemic, the girl of the friend is somehow connected. In search of the cause of the epidemic, the Doctor of Expedition using special equipment sends a friend to her subconscious world, where, as he suspects, memories of the epidemic causes. For a friend, this journey turns into a real nightmare, saturated with hard sex, clashes withMonsters and search for ways to save her eternal beloved Shastar, which caused this horror.
8. Examples: