Tomokichi / Manga Collection (Hentai Elf to Majime ORC - A Crazy Elf and a Serious ORC) / 変態エルフと真面目オーク
Censorship: Software - Erotic Sex
Genre: Elf / Fairy, Love Comedy / Romcom, Comedy Coquettish / Seduction, Fantasy, Softcore Eroticism
Number of pages: 238
Language: Japanese
Format: JPG
Description: After the Great War, the young Orc lived in the world and promised never to attack people and Especially on the elves, not to mention violence. Once, he met the lost elf, she claimed that he lost himself trying to find a suitable orc who rape her. She looked seriously tuned and nothing could stop her. Can an orc withstand and keep his promise or fall into the hands of a charming elphi?
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