year of release : 2024
Release date : 2024/11/17
Genre : Slg, Management, Mini-Games, Dot/Pixel, Oral, Cunnilingus, Handjob, Vaginal, BDSM, Domination, Prostition, Mask, Dark Skin/Tanned
Censorship : there is
developer/publisher : pixleax
platform : PC/Windows
type of edition : original (licensed)
translation : laforey
The language of the game (plot) : Russian
The language of the interface : Russian
System requirements : OS: Windows 7.8.10 (x32 / x64) / CPU: 2 GHZ / RAM: 4GB / VRAM: 1GB / HDD: 1 GB
description B>: Once a mysterious person, Brane inspires Margaret to take control of a once flourished brothel. Her goal is simple: to earn money. But can she achieve her goal ...?