The Mating Season/Marriage period
year of release: 2018
Date of Release: 2018/06/21
Genre: Adv, Animation, Group, Ren'PY
Censorship: absent/eating a patch
Developer/Publisher: Akabur
Platform: PC/Windows/Linux, MacOS, APK/Android
Type of edition: original (licensed)
Medicine: not required
version: 1.05 (rus) 1.03(ENG)
Language of the game (plot): Russian/English
Interface language: Russian/English
Language language: unknown/other
System Requirements: CPU: Pentium4 2.0 GHZ;RAM: 1 GB;Vram: 128 MB;HDD: ~ 1.1gb
Description: Meet the game from akabur - The Mating Season, with characters from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with the participation of April O'Neill, Turtles and Splinter in different chapters.